Do you really wanna be skinny?
To be thin like m
odels is what girls around the world long for. So many kinds of diet pills and supplements are around us that we can buy them very easily. I can't say that taking pills to be slim is a good idea but it's better than not having meals. We are tended to think not having meals is the best way to loose weight but it's totally not. It actually is but we don't know how dangerous to do that. Anorexia is a serious desease you can have if you try not to eat anything to loose weight. There are lots of people suffer from this desease. Even the models do. They vomit soon after having meals. Karen Carpenter from The Carpenters died because of this terrible desease. Not just to diet but there are people who want to have AN (Anorexia Nervosa) as a sucidal way. Nowadays, there are lots of communities and organizations have tried to stop people from getting the desease. There hasn't been any models which are too skinny on magazines and fashion shows since a model died from Anorexia. Exercise instead of not eating, eat instead of dying!!!Here's your special teacher supports you to loose weight. Click HERE to see him!